The DALE ALLEN Podcast

Glen Rogers • Sacred Feminine Artist

Dale Allen Episode 49

Glen Rogers is a painter, printmaker, sculptor whose work is inspired by the Sacred Feminine and archetypal symbols. Her work is mystical and meditative, transcending into the spiritual realm with a defined feminine perspective.

• Glen tells of her ongoing visits to Sacred Feminine Sites in France, Mexico, Greece, Ireland, Austria, and the impact on her art.

Glen and Dale discuss:

• The power of ancient sacred feminine symbols 

• Using Oracle Decks like Glen's beautiful decks, to connect us to our intuitive guidance.

• Allowing guidance to light our way, rather than pushing to proceed.

• Glen's experience in calling sacred circle and conducting ceremony and ritual.

• Beyond Her presence in the sacred sites, the sacred feminine is all around us.

• Releasing the old energy grids of patriarchy and freeing healing feminine energy.


Dale Allen 

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