The DALE ALLEN Podcast

Autumn Skye, Visionary Artist • In Our Right Minds Artist Series

Dale Allen Episode 44

Autumn Skye is a visionary artist whose work graces my work, "In Our Right Minds: on the Sacred Feminine, the Right Brain and Restoring Humanity's Natural Balance," appearing in both the award-winning film as well as the new book.
If you haven't already done so, please support the work -  and get a terrific book - by visiting Amazon or my website and getting your own copy of "In Our Right Minds."  This work has inspiring audiences worldwide.

BestSelling Book:
Color Version book

Black & White Version book
Or watch the Award Winning Film 

Film Screening Events

Autumn Skye lives, breathes, and dreams art, and has done so since she was old enough to hold a pencil and reach for a piece of paper. Her childhood and early adult years were spent travelling the landscapes of both her wild Canadian backyard and distant international shores. Through her wanderlust, she developed a deep reverence for the beauty of nature and the diversity of humanity, and continuously endeavours to translate this inspiration through her work.
As a self-taught artist, she is forever a student of the intuitively creative process. Autumn Skye’s style weaves together refined realism, iconic imagery, archetypical symbolism, and spiritual principles. She’s inspired by the magnificence of this incredible planet, the potency of these extraordinary times, and the mysteries of the cosmos. Through her work, she seeks to honour the resiliency of the human spirit and the intricate connections between all facets of life.
Autumn Skye exhibits and teaches worldwide, and otherwise thrives and paints in the beautiful temperate-rainforest of coastal British Columbia, Canada. Considering herself immensely blessed to do what feeds her soul, she strives to support others through creative empowerment, the gift of beauty, and the perpetuation of inspiration.

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