The DALE ALLEN Podcast

Mare Cromwell | The Great Mother Love Way

April 09, 2024 Dale Allen Episode 39

Dale Allen talks with Mare Cromwell
Mare Cromwell's The Great Mother Love Way (501(c)3) creates programs and events to help humanity wake up to the truth that we are part of a sacred sentient Earth. Mother Gaia yearns for us to remember her and that her Love for us is tremendous. She is calling for us to come Home to her and all the Sacred Seen & Unseen Ones, to heal into our true place on the planet.  ~  This is the Time of Great Healing. We are being spiritually called to collectively remember Who We Are as Divine Beings – gifted a human body on this amazingly beautiful planet – and manifest a world of harmony, peace, balance, joy and reverence for all beings. This phase in human history has been foretold by Indigenous Elders for centuries.
Mare Cromwell
Dale Allen
In Our Right Minds BOOK
In Our Right Minds FILM

"Unicorns are breeding again! Dale, I absolutely love this podcast with Mare! You are doing such pure, beautiful work. Thank you so much! The podcast with her was just absolutely brilliant and beautiful, and so many things that I know in my soul that are happening, and feel and am connected to, and always have been. It's so reassuring and validating to listen to something like this and have words put to what I know and what I came here knowing and what I also know is part of my mission on this earth to support and share. I just I feel it. The way that you presented her with groundedness, respect, clarification, confirmation and intelligence really showcases everything she has to share in a way that I think people can hear. Thank you Dale "
​Deidre ​

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