The DALE ALLEN Podcast

Women of the World's Religions • Rev. Dr. Anna Crews Camphouse

Dale Allen Episode 31

Reverend Doctor Anna Crews Camphouse, United Methodist Clergywoman shares the wisdom and insight of the powerful women of the Bible. Her way of telling their stories provides an empowering and honoring model for women today.

Anna is a native of Alabama who now resides in Connecticut, shepherding UMC congregations in Sharon, Lakeville and Millerton.  She is a Registered Nurse who has worked in Intensive Care, Long Term Acute Care, and ER.  Having earned both a Master of Divinity and Doctor of Ministry degrees from Claremont School of Theology, she is also an ordained elder in the California-Pacific Conference of the United Methodist Church.  She is grateful for her husband, David, and their beautiful children.  She has a strong interest in the intersections of pastoral care and evangelism, as well as religion and ecology.

From Dale Allen:

Let Your Voice Be Heard • Let Your Heart Be Inspired!

I was honored to be a part of a special project for the Parliament of the World’s Religions Women's Task Force: conducting interviews inside the first-ever Women's Village. The invitation put forth at the Interview Suite was:  Let Your Voice be Heard!

In total, I interviewed 71 women. I was truly fortunate to sit with women as they spoke so profoundly from their hearts about their faith-in-action toward the Parliament's themes of:  a call to conscience, the support of the human rights and dignity of women, and the care of the next generations of children (which, of course includes care of our earth). This series of interviews gave me a sense of peace and reassurance.  The women are activated, and their love cannot be stopped.
And I believe that you will find, as I did, that listening to women speak from their fierce hearts, empowers us as women to find our own voices and to take action from our hearts as well.   Please return each week for a new interview here.  And please help me share these women by subscribing!
With love,

Parliament Global Sisters Fund

Interview Series

Dale Allen

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